Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Post #7- Curriculum Video Project

Authoring Multimedia-Final Project

I'm not going to sugar coat this, the curriculum video has been my nemesis. I need relevancy in order to make something worth my time. With school closures and COVID-19, my priorities and routines have been overhauled. When I began this class, I knew that next year I was going to be the Title I and Title III teacher for the district. Two days ago I called to talk with my principal and was notified that I wasn't going to be in the new position, instead I was going to continue being the 4th grade teacher. 

I realize that "There is nothing permanent, except change," Heraclitus. However, I was SO excited to be serving my district in a new way. I looked forward to serving students who were not on grade-level and helping them to grow. I am depressed that my school year ended abruptly and I was unable to say farewell to my students. I miss their laughter, silliness and antics. I miss our discussions and adventures in reading. I worry and wonder if my students are safe, looked after, and loved.

So my curriculum video is one that relates to the NOW to address what we are going through as teachers, parents and students. One year from now, it may not be relevant, but it is meaningful today and this year. This video is addressing the need for students to set aside time to read, while school is closed. 

YouTube removed my video as it was seen to be "spam and misleading." Click the following link to view the video using Animoto. 


  1. I cannot believe that your video had been taken down for being "Spam or Misleading". I enjoyed your video. I loved the use of the kids and I think that they did a great job. I wonder if Animoto also removed images you uploaded, because there were a couple of spots where it was just the symbol that represents an image. And the quotes were just right on the money! Nice job.

  2. Mr. Myers, try the link now. I hope it is fixed with the missing video.

  3. First off I am sorry to hear about what happened at your school and youtube blocking your video. Second I thought the video was pretty good. The music in the back I thought was at the correct level. I also thought it was great having your kids in the video and showing the reasons why it's good to read. There was one space in the video that had a blank screen for me. Altogether a very good video.


Post #8-Course Reflection

Flipgrid So much has changed in the past four weeks. I feel that this course set me up to be more prepared for assisting students with sc...